Tuesday, 2 October 2007

California Adventures

We had a great summer (at least Stephen did, Becky saw entirely too much of the interior of the British Library as she worked on her dissertation)...
We visited friends in Hamburg, Stockholm, Saffron Walden, Brentwood and Stephen helped lift children and dogs over styles on the annual August Bank Holiday camping adventure.
We spent 3 weeks in California with both sets of parents. Highlights include: Attempting to surf with our birthday presents (foam boards from the Stradleys), rollerblading in PB, games of chess on the porch in the 107 degree heat (Stephen and Colin), Jason's homemade London Nut Brown ale, beautiful wooden cabin at Bass Lake, the 1,000 piece U.S.A. jigsaw puzzle, hiking up Vernal Falls in Yosemite, water-skiing, wakeboarding, being whipped around Bass Lake on the giant inflatable (Debby and Jason's spectacular crash) and Stephen driving my grandpa's Mustang around Palos Verdes.

Now, we are off to follow the summer so that Stephen can get some more surfing practice :-)


Unknown said...

you've even got the original 1960's surfer hairstyle.

Kevin Dixon said...

The Dog certainly looks the part there. I can almost hear the Beach Boys in my ears...