Thursday, 8 November 2007

San Pedro de Atacama Chile

I like San Pedro de Atacama. Sleepy village with sandy roads and no cars or donkeys. Hired some bikes and persuaded grumbling wife up a mountain to look over a cliff edge at the Atacama desert. Technique is to stay 10m ahead out of grumbling range.

Good things
Candle light dinners during power cuts
Sparkly stars due to walknig home at night in the dark having forgotten torches
Going downhill on bikes

Bad things
Going uphill on bikes
Getting chased from bar to bar with El Condor Pasa pan pipe blowing Chileans
No hot water in the showers and ony a dribble of cold water
Power cuts

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Like mother, like daughter. I would be grumbling too! Joe used to
drag me along on 40 mile bike rides. My limit is 25 to 30 miles,
and that's not uphill!
