On Thursday, we drove up the the Bay of Islands. It is really beautiful.
We went swimming in the bay. I was amazed at how warm it is after swimming in the sea in California. We also took a ferry across to the town of Russell for sunset and an evening meal. It is an idyllic town - so beautiful! I am including some pictures so you can see for yourself. I'll also get Stephen to add his thoughts on the Bay of Islands while I attach pictures...
Hi Stephen and Becky, I stumbled across your blog about 2 hours ago and have read the entire thing from the beginning. It looks like you are having an incredible time. The pictures are gorgeous. They definately add to my hunger to travel around the world someday. I'm a stay at home mom of three children under the age of 6 so I'm very busy here and love it. But for right now, I'll have to live my adventures through your blog. (: I'm looking forward to hearing about the rest of your trip. Wanda
Hey, Becky and Stephen. Great to see the blog post. Sounds like the adventure is off to a great start again. Keep the narrations coming.... Dad.
Hi Wanda. Wow! I am impressed that you have read our entire blog. I hope you will get the opportunity to travel one day. It is a really amazing experience. I can imagine that you are very busy with your children, but children always make life interesting and bring a different perspective to life (I am a teacher when I am not traveling :-)
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