Chiang Mai continued..
Good things
Wandering round the huge nightmarket slurping lychee rice wine
Thai guitarists with harmonicas doing Dylan and CCR covers
Overnight train to Bangkok was much more comfortable than the ones in China and you got fed at your table. They did insist on leaving the lights on all night though which necessitated top cat masks for a snooze
Downhill moutain biking through the jungle overlooking the city
Bad things
Pushing the bike up steep inclines, getting a puncture;breaking rear sprocket, chain coming off, wobbly front wheel, getting stuck in a river and flying off the bike headfirst - cartoon style into a sandy cliff. Got completely filthy and then had to sneak into a guesthouse to use their swimming pool and shower before we jumped on the night train to Bangkok
Thai guitarists playing banjos
Getting bitten by things in the yoga class while doing the relaxation
Taking a granny tour to see the Doi National park. Got shuttled around in a van and dropped off to see various things. Nice waterfalls, pagodas for the king and queen when they eventually snuff it, pretty flowers replacing opium poppies; nice villages next to paddy fields, nice if you're a granny...